Saturday, August 27, 2011

LaCrosse fun!

We spent a couple of days back in LaCrosse and here are some highlights of the trip. We got to play in the big bouncey house that my mom borrowed from the neighbors.
We got to meet our new niece - Alyssa Ann. She is a cutie! In this picture, Michael is helping to feed the baby. Michael showed the most interest in Alyssa. He wanted to give her lots of kisses and hugs.
Look at the silly girls below! They had fun with Grammi Barb coloring each other's hair.

We got to hang out with the Gartners for one day. That was super fun! Inger worked her photography magic and she got the kids to pose for some shots. Here are a couple of the pictures (my pictures) - there were quite a few to choose from. I cannot wait to see Inger's pictures.

Steve is holding a lot of kid in this picture and they are loving it.
We miss you Gartners! Thanks for hanging out!

Hugs and kisses!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Some things to contemplate

What do you do with vegetables from the garden if you don't know what they are?
Should Natalie kiss the frog? Will it turn into a prince?

How many frogs are too many (to swim with)? (I think we had 14 frogs in the pool in this picture).
Is that frog bigger than Michael's hand?What's more interesting -the steam engine (to the right) or big body of water (to the left)?
Are they off to see the wizard?
Santa or Natalie?
Are they making salsa for the chipmunks or the squirrels?