Josh wishes that summer would last longer because his weeds could grow some more. I think he has finally conceded that his prized beans are just velvet weeds (Thanks to his Auntie and mom). He still hasn't pulled the weeds yet.

Nani and Lizzie want summer to last forever when they are at "Grammi Camp." They had 2 week long adventures at Grammi Barbs house. They played hard. Auntie Amanda and Uncle Eric helped keep them on the go.

Summer time is the best! This is when you can take a bath in the pool. Nani and Lizzie gave Uncle Eric a good washing too!

Cousin Brooke and Nani are outfitted in their summer attire....Hawaiian Hula outfits.

We fit 8 people in 1 tiny pool. Now that's summer fun!

Everyone enjoyed riding the Mule at the land. Lizzie enjoyed it so much that she fell asleep.

Cousin Peo spent the summer afternoon on the land learning how to be a good 'ol Wisconsinite. He shot a BB gun and sling shot, then proceeded to play with aluminum swords. Camille, are you proud? Peo loved it all.
Of course, I am very proud! Now I can take Peo into war zones with nary a fear:) Besides, he looks so cool with his shades on and his little cousin holding that gun steady!(I knew there was a better use for toddlers)
ReplyDeleteWhat a sad state of affairs for Josh, though, with the whole "bean" fiasco, he looks like the quintessential unrequited lover in front of those weeds...utterly forlorn! Maybe you can smoke 'em, then all will not have been lost;)