Saturday, September 26, 2009

Things are a changin...

We took a good hike through the park.  Natalie walked the whole way.  This is a change from previous excursions.  Nice job Natalie!  In the picture below she is the "line-leader" and she is carrying her "whompin' stick."
Natalie smiled in this picture.  This is also a change from most pictures (-:
Michael now expresses his happiness by clapping.
Michael's sleep habits have changed (for the good)!  He is sleeping from 10pm to 5am straight! Yeah Mikey!   Josh and I feel like different people.
Oh yes, the biggest change....I cut 8 inches off my hair.   


  1. Your hair looks cute, but your kids are cuter ;)

  2. I love the hair too! I'm suffering some technical issues with my computer, when I have it all resolved I can get some pics to you. I haven't forgotten. It will have to be after the 11th when we get back from Mexico!

    P.S. It makes me so jealous that your friends and family actually comment on your blog. All I get are crickets!

  3. Awww, cute pictures of the kiddos and your haircut! Happy Fall!

    By the way, now I am an offical follower of your blog. :)
