First and foremost, my dear friend, Holly Dary, was diagnosed with Leukemia last weekend. Ever since her diagnosis, she has been in the hospital going through chemo. She has a great outlook on kicking this cancer and I highly encourage you to visit her Caring Bridge site. Take a few minutes to sign her guestbook and send some more positive vibes her way.
What have we been up to? Swinging! I don't have a picture, but Natalie loves her new used swingset. She spends most of her waking hours at home on her swing and she wore away the grass within a couple of days. Mikey is also lovin the new swing, but he tends to get too relaxed. We have to stop him from falling asleep in it because it is too early to go to bed (he already gets up at 5:30 every morning). Here are a couple of pictures from the past few weeks.

Mikey got his first black eye after attempting to walk down the porch stairs. Ouch! He is becoming my little bruiser. He also recently knocked his 2 front teeth loose and took a good chunk out of his inner lip. Oh yes, he also has 2 chipped teeth. He keeps us on our toes right now because he has one speed--> as fast as he can possibly go! Mikey might be a little like his Daddy in this regard, but only Grammi Pat would know and I am not sure if she is willing to make that comparison (out loud) (-:

We also celebrated my mom's 60th birthday with a big surprise family dinner in LaCrosse. Thanks to all my relatives for making the trip into LaCrosse and keeping the birthday celebration a surprise. Aunt Debbie, if you send me the pictures I will post a few for everyone to see.
Hugs and kisses! We hope you are enjoying the weather.
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