Sunday, August 1, 2010

Busy setting records**

Michael and Natalie set new land speed records as they ran into the water at the beach!
Josh set a record for balancing on one foot the longest with a frog on his foot. Go Josh!
We set a record for most frogs in our pool! Super frogerrific!
We were just froggin' around.
Natalie and Michael set a record for the most consecutive days of taking a bath in a bucket out on the porch.
**These records were officially voted on by the Wiffler family board of adventurers'. If you have a record to set, feel free to post your comments. The Wiffler family board of adventurers will let you know their vote.

1 comment:

  1. Great pics, especially the frog! You should know Barrett just announced he only like peas from Natalie's garden. Those were some darned good peas I guess. Cheers!
