Saturday, June 4, 2011

It's official, Michael put more miles on his mower than Josh.
We got a nice hail storm on Memorial Day weekend. Luckily it wasn't a tornado. Below is a picture of the hail on the back porch.
We took Michael and Natalie for their first canoe ride. It was a huge success. We stayed in the canoe 25 minutes longer than I anticipated...we made it 30 minutes total! Yeah Michael and Natalie!
We had a couple Superhero sightings in Savage, MN. The Super Squirter...
The Tutu Avenger....
The Tutu Avenger again...
We took Michael and Natalie fishing for the first time and it was super, super fun. Natalie caught the most fish, while Michael was simply fascinated with all the fish and worms. Below is a picture of Natalie's first fish.
Natalie really enjoyed fishing. This past weekend, Natalie sat out on the backyard porch and practiced casting her fishing pole all by herself. That's my girl! (I know my Dad was with us and he was proud).
Natalie also caught a bullhead fish. Yuck!
I hope you are enjoying the warm weather. Josh's birthday is coming up (June 15th).

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