Saturday, July 16, 2011

Frogs and more frogs!

Catching frogs has been quite a highlight in the Wiffler household. In the past 2 days, we caught over 20 frogs. We typically catch them in the window well, let the kids play with them, identify the type of frog, put them in the little pool to hang out and then let them go. High adventure!

Grandpa was part of the adventure one night also!
Here are some shots of the different types of frogs.
Here is a bucket full of frogs and Michael cannot keep his hands out of it.

Just look at how excited Michael is. He has one frog in each hand and he is inspecting the frog hanging from Josh's hands.
Momma frog and Mikey frog are taking it easy and hanging out in the buckets.
In this bucket are 2 of the biggest frogs I have ever seen!!

Ribbit! Ribbit!

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