Friday, November 4, 2011

Halloween highlights (and more)!

Just look at all those pumpkins! It was a windy day for pumpkin hunting, but we had nice blue skies.

Here is a picture of the cutest Spiderman and Supergirl EVER (with the completed pumpkins)!
Spiderman and Supergirl teamed together to save the world!
Well, it has been a couple of months since I updated the blog, therefore, attached below are some of my favorite pictures from the past couple of months.

Ahhhh!! There is a big walleye about to eat Michael's head!
It just wouldn't be a Wiffler blog update without a picture of a frog. Michael loved having this tree frog attached to him (on his shorts).

Natalie and I had fun one afternoon making ginger bread houses (out of grahm crackers).
We watched the Oktoberfest parade! In this picture, the kids anxiously awaited for the candy throwing to start.
Hugs and kisses!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

LaCrosse fun!

We spent a couple of days back in LaCrosse and here are some highlights of the trip. We got to play in the big bouncey house that my mom borrowed from the neighbors.
We got to meet our new niece - Alyssa Ann. She is a cutie! In this picture, Michael is helping to feed the baby. Michael showed the most interest in Alyssa. He wanted to give her lots of kisses and hugs.
Look at the silly girls below! They had fun with Grammi Barb coloring each other's hair.

We got to hang out with the Gartners for one day. That was super fun! Inger worked her photography magic and she got the kids to pose for some shots. Here are a couple of the pictures (my pictures) - there were quite a few to choose from. I cannot wait to see Inger's pictures.

Steve is holding a lot of kid in this picture and they are loving it.
We miss you Gartners! Thanks for hanging out!

Hugs and kisses!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Some things to contemplate

What do you do with vegetables from the garden if you don't know what they are?
Should Natalie kiss the frog? Will it turn into a prince?

How many frogs are too many (to swim with)? (I think we had 14 frogs in the pool in this picture).
Is that frog bigger than Michael's hand?What's more interesting -the steam engine (to the right) or big body of water (to the left)?
Are they off to see the wizard?
Santa or Natalie?
Are they making salsa for the chipmunks or the squirrels?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Family and summer fun!

Natalie turned 4 1/2 on June 25th! She is growing up so fast. We celebrated her birthday with Grandma Barb, AA, and Lizzie.
Natalie got a toolbox for her birthday and she teamed up with Mikey and Lizzie to fix a bunch of things around the house. They got a lot of projects done.
Natalie, Lizzie and Mikey got to see the Dan Patch Days parade. Good fun! I think all three kids were simply amazed that people would drive/walk by and throw candy at them. Natalie counted every piece of candy (all 302 pieces) and it was a good lesson in counting past 100.
On the weekend of July 4th, we hung out in LaCrosse. Hanging out in the pool....
Going for a cruise down the block.....Natalie (driver), Brookie (passenger), Michael and Lizzie (trailer).

Driving a tractor with Uncle Eric.....

Riding the trails in the mule....
Having a tea party with cousin Taylor....
We hope you are staying cool! it is supposed to be 98 degrees today in Savage! We'll be spending lots of time in the water.

Frogs and more frogs!

Catching frogs has been quite a highlight in the Wiffler household. In the past 2 days, we caught over 20 frogs. We typically catch them in the window well, let the kids play with them, identify the type of frog, put them in the little pool to hang out and then let them go. High adventure!

Grandpa was part of the adventure one night also!
Here are some shots of the different types of frogs.
Here is a bucket full of frogs and Michael cannot keep his hands out of it.

Just look at how excited Michael is. He has one frog in each hand and he is inspecting the frog hanging from Josh's hands.
Momma frog and Mikey frog are taking it easy and hanging out in the buckets.
In this bucket are 2 of the biggest frogs I have ever seen!!

Ribbit! Ribbit!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Too funny

During dinner one night, Michael couldn't keep his head up. He was so tired that I think his head was going to fall onto the table. Josh moved his plate just in case. After a few minutes of laughing really hard, I saved him from despair and within a couple of minutes on my lap, he was fast asleep for the night.

Well, we scratched an itch. This past weekend, we went camping for the first time! Below is a picture of our set up. Natalie and Michael did awesome (much better than expected). We stayed close to the house in case we needed to abort the adventure. It was an interesting night of sleeping and the next day we all took long naps.

Fishing was a success (again)! Once again, Natalie caught the most fish and we are convinced the pink hook attracts the most fish.

Michael loved splashing in the water at the beach. He also found a nice worm on Sunday morning. I caught him 3 times trying to stick the worm in his mouth. I just don't understand. Really. Why? Hmm...
Here is a picture of everyone hanging out by the fire. S'mores were a hit!
Natalie starts Summer camp tomorrow and she is really excited! Michael is talking our ears off and we love it!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

It's official, Michael put more miles on his mower than Josh.
We got a nice hail storm on Memorial Day weekend. Luckily it wasn't a tornado. Below is a picture of the hail on the back porch.
We took Michael and Natalie for their first canoe ride. It was a huge success. We stayed in the canoe 25 minutes longer than I anticipated...we made it 30 minutes total! Yeah Michael and Natalie!
We had a couple Superhero sightings in Savage, MN. The Super Squirter...
The Tutu Avenger....
The Tutu Avenger again...
We took Michael and Natalie fishing for the first time and it was super, super fun. Natalie caught the most fish, while Michael was simply fascinated with all the fish and worms. Below is a picture of Natalie's first fish.
Natalie really enjoyed fishing. This past weekend, Natalie sat out on the backyard porch and practiced casting her fishing pole all by herself. That's my girl! (I know my Dad was with us and he was proud).
Natalie also caught a bullhead fish. Yuck!
I hope you are enjoying the warm weather. Josh's birthday is coming up (June 15th).