Saturday, March 26, 2011

Adventures in making maple syrup!

First step-->make the spile, the tap that goes into the tree.

Second step-->find a sugar maple to tap into.
You take a few detours along the way...on a side note, Josh and I have officially nicknamed Michael "TROUBLE."
Third step-->tap into the tree. Natalie is pictured here turning the drill into the sugar maple.
Fourth step--> Collect the sap in the bag.
Fifth step--> Boil the sap and you have maple syrup. It takes 40 gallons of sap to make 1 gallon of maple syrup!
Sixth and final step--> EAT PANCAKES with maple syrup. These were simply the best pancakes ever!! The syrup was incredible and we sprinkled pecans on top. Yummy, yummy. We were exhausted after working so hard to make the maple syrup.
One more step-->Hang our with Mr. Pancake!
Does anyone have some sugar maples? We could start making our very own maple syrup. Hmmm....

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