Just chilling with cousins.....
We have been very busy putting together lego sets. After Josh decided it was okay for everyone to play with his legos, we spent quite a few afternoons putting these together. It was simply too cold to play outside. Grammi Pat set up Natalie and Mikey with office supplies. Natalie set up her office right by the window.
More legos.....here is the police set.
Natalie made a beautiful valentine's day box. It is labeled "Natalie4" because she is 4 years old.
This was the best winter morning ever! We hung out by the fire with Eric, Amanda and Lizzie. Grammi Barb and Mikey decided to stay inside.
It was also a nice morning for swinging. We didn't have to worry about falling off the swings because the snow was soft.
The snow was great for making "Frosty" and "Frostina."
I hope you enjoy these pictures! Hugs and kisses!
Wow, look at all those lego creations! Nicholas' eyes got wide. Josh, Nicholas would love to have you visit us and show you all his creations. His police station is a little different than yours. You two could compare! Natalie, I love your passion for playing office.