Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Michael and Natalie's relationship (I had to write about it!)

Natalie and Michael are very cute together.    Natalie is very protective of Michael.  She doesn't let the other kids near "her baby."   She likes to talk with him, but when Michael responds back, Natalie says "Mikey is making funny noises." 
In this picture, Natalie got a little too close to Michael.  Poor Mikey.   He has his "personal space" and he starts getting a little jumpy when Natalie (aka "the yellow haired girl") gets too close and moves too fast.  Notice that Natalie shows no remorse for upsetting Michael.    Michael does, however, LOVE watching the "yellow haired girl" from a distance. 
Natalie loves to hug Mikey.   Notice that Michael is kinda dazed and confused.  
  In the morning, Natalie likes to sit next to Michael.   Michael practices all his tricks - squirming and kicking.  Natalie will often complain that Michael is hitting her.   Oh no, is this  a sign of years to come?  

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