Sunday, December 20, 2009

Enjoying this time of year

It's Santa!!!!

We spent an afternoon walking in the skyways of downtown Minneapolis. This led to many adventures. Natalie and Michael got to sit on Santa's lap at Macys! Natalie didn't say much, she just looked at him in amazement. Michael, on the other hand, wasn't impressed with the big red guy. While we were downtown, we walked through "A Day in the Life of an Elf" on the 8th floor of Macys. Attached below are pictures of the big Christmas tree in the skyway and one of the elf murals at Macys.

We went for a sled ride around our neighborhood. Michael and Natalie loved getting pulled in the sled and it was a beautiful day for being outside.
"A Day in the Life of an Elf" (below)
One big Christmas tree
Michael's surgery to get ear tubes went well. He is babbling a lot more because he can hear better. Yeah! He is still getting up 2 to 4 times in the middle of the night, however, he doesn't wake up screaming. It has been 5+ months since our last full night of sleep....I believe there might be one on the horizon. Keep your fingers crossed.

So, while I was updating this blog, I was under the impression that my dear, dear 3 year old was sitting upstairs reading books. She could barely keep her eyes open during lunch. I was giving it about 15 minutes until she couldn't manage to hold her eyelids open anymore. Well, in order to keep herself awake, she decided to lock herself into our room with my make-up. Let me tell ya, she stayed awake. The pictures below do not do it justice.....
Natalie was covered in make-up (even under her pajamas). She managed to smear make-up on our bedspread, the mirror, the door, the footstool, the window, and multiple areas of the carpet. Needless to say, Santa will be getting a phone call from us.
Josh couldn't keep a straight face. I, on the other hand, was very disappointed because Natalie knows better. I am off to steam clean our carpet. I hope you are also enjoying your Sunday afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. I see that the Monkey Hat is now, officially, a hand-me-down! I love the pic of Natalie on the floor covered in make-up:) - what a look on her face! I remember the draw I felt towards my mama's make-up, it was almost impossible to resist!! At least it wasn't chocolate syrup.

    So glad that the surgery went well and that Mikey is feeling (and hearing) better. Just thinking about 5 months without a full night's sleep makes me nauseous...Here's to many a good night's sleep for mama and papa in 2010!!
