Natalie's countdown to Christmas was in the beginning of December. She put an ornament up on her tree calendar every morning. Yeah, some mornings there were 2 or 3 put up, but I course corrected to keep her on track. This picture was taken on Christmas Eve after her tree was filled up. That night we set out some cookies. Was Santa really coming?

On Christmas morning, Natalie looked at the tree in amazement. Santa really did come!

Natalie loved opening all the gifts...Michael's gifts, Josh's gifts, my gifts, and of course, her own gifts. Michael attempted to open some gifts, but he much more enjoyed climbing over and around the paper and boxes. Below is a picture of Natalie and Michael sitting on Michael's new sofa.

At noon, we switched over to birthday celebration mode. Natalie turned 3 years old! Josh and I still cannot believe she is 3 already. Time really does fly by. We called folks on our cell phones (that had speakers) and they helped sing happy birthday to Natalie.

She was absolutely delighted to open more presents. She was even more excited to stay in her pajamas all day. As a matter of fact, everyone stayed in their pajamas all day.

Our holiday travel plans were cancelled so her are a few pictures of how we spent the next few days. Hanging out....gosh, I wish I could bend like this still....

We spent time playing in the snow. Michael got a new sled for Christmas. This sled holds him in so that he doesn't face plant into the snow over the side....not like that ever happened.

We hope you are also enjoying your holidays!
A very happy belated birthday to Natalie! And Josh, I would be happy to do your family photos... just get your hineys out to CO, and it will be on the house. ; )