Mikey of the frozen tundra got new boots this weekend because his feet are growing so fast. Those big feet have helped him learn to walk. He is officially walking ! Yeah Michael! He has a big week coming up. On Wednesday he is having a small surgery to get ear tubes. We are hoping for a big change. We are hoping for some full nights of sleep and a pain-free Michael.
Michael and Natalie have "Wrestle Match Savage" on most Saturday and Sunday mornings. Natalie wins most matches and Michael gets pushed, shoved, and tossed to the floor numerous times. It simply amazes me because Michael is smiling the whole time. He loves every bit of attention from Natalie (good and bad). Michael wins a few matches when he gets a good hold of her hair. I quietly chuckle when this happens. The day will come sooner than later and Michael will hold his own against Natalie.
Now, is this what you picture?
Michael is a very good at decorating trees (see below).
Natalie spent the weekend at Grammi Barb's house. We are anxiously awaiting her return. she loves her time with cousin Lizzie and Grammi Barb. Her days are filled with playing, more playing, and yes, more playing. It is pretty rough on her.
The founding members of the Red Car Club....
Ugh, look how big that boy has gotten! I miss them!! Perhaps a family trip to the South of Florida in the near future:) I really have to see some of that "Wrestle Match Savage" action in person... Thanks for the update - can't wait for some x-mas pics! Love you guys:)